year in review: 2016


year of big changes: everything seems to move so slow until you look back and realize everything's different

  • started the year on 01/01 in shanghai, beijing two months and a half, visited xian, home in antwerp for six months, algarve in portugal for a week and ended the year again in shanghai (four months) where I also visited suzhou and beijing again
  • got my bachelor degree in social economics, economics and sociology (sociaal-economische wetenschappen) 
  • read a ton of books 
  • went from very very basic to great at basic conversation in french. estimate learned about 800 words (writing) in chinese. props to german for effort 
  • finished a marketing internship in beijing and a logistics internship in Antwerp 
  • got a full scholarship to go do my masters in shanghai, became financially independent from my parents
  • started attending Toastmasters to work on public speaking. gained confidence talking in front of people 
  • volunteered at a startup conference 

A lot changed. Met people, got a lot of opportunities. I'm lucky and I learned a lot, pushed myself, 
got out of my comfort zone. looking forward to more of that in 2017.