book log #2


the Windup Girl, Paolo Bacigalupi 
Farang, laowai, gaijin, foreigner, ... this book reminded me that we're all foreigners on this planet. Fans of westworld, the future, ... subtle AI, hints of transhumanism, evolution and mankind meet the end of the world through manmade catastrophies and global warming, great read. Unexpectedly dramatic and realistic.

“We are nature. Our every tinkering is nature, our every biological striving. We are what we are, and the world is ours. We are its gods. Your only difficulty is your unwillingness to unleash your potential fully upon it.”

Oscar et la Dame Rose, Eric Emmanuel Schmitt  
Broke my heart a little bit. Beautiful book, consists of a collection of letters of a young boy writing to God as he's dying. Read it in French as a step to improve said language. Not too difficult, reminded me of le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

"There's no solution for life except for living it."
"I think we make the same mistake in life. We forget that it's fragile and ephemeral. We make everything seem like we're immortal."
"Life, it's deadly."

“Il n'y a pas de solution à la vie sinon vivre.” 
in process

“Je crois qu'on fait la même erreur pour la vie. Nous oublions que la vie est fragile,friable, éphémère. Nous faisons tous semblant d'être immortels.” 
"La vie, c'est fatale"

How to Create a Mind, Ray Kurzweil
Physics, biology and neuroscience for beginners. Great thought experiments on how the brain works. Given the difficulty of the subjects that are touched on, it's remarkable that Kurzweil can still manage to make it all understandable.

Women, Charles Bukowski
To balance out Kurzweil